How to watch
There are several ways to reach us:
- The Twitch stream
- You can use the Twitch chat to interact with us, but we prefer the
HackMD pad (because we won't miss stuff, can thread discussions,
and share it afterwards).
- Right now, we broadcast whenever we have a topic. Follow one of our
Twitter accounts (see below) for announcements.
We broadcast Tuesdays Thursdays at 20:30 Oslo time / 21:30 Helsinki time.
Convert to your timezone.
Or on Linux, run:$ date --date='TZ="Europe/Helsinki" 21:30 next Thu'
- A HackMD pad, which we use to share code, links, etc.
- Always write at the very bottom of the hackpad, unless you are
replying to someone.
- You may also write questions at the end of the hackpad.
- Answer other people in the hackpad.
- Give us suggestions as issues in
the rsh-notes repository.
We would especially like contributed research code (open
licenseable), which we can analyze on-stream and give (constructive)
suggestions for improving reproducibility.
- Updates/news on Twitter @coderefine.
- Video archive
License and privacy
This is an open source production. All material we produce is
open-source licensed: material is CC-BY, code samples are the MIT
license. If you interact on-stream or through the tools above, you
are giving permission for your contributions to be licensed as such.
We will always remove identifying information, unless you specifically
request otherwise. We try to provide you with ways to interact as
anonymously as possible.
Community standards
Be good to each other. This is a place where everyone should learn.
Be understanding, help each other, and make a welcoming environment.
We expect everyone to uphold this standard. If you notice some
problem, please contact us and let us know.
Lurking is fine, and we will try to preserve the right to interact
with us anonymously as long as we can.