Each week, we want to do some simple stuff, some more advanced stuff, some stuff more towards software/programming, some stuff more towards scientific computing/Linux. Most important, we want to show you the spirit and joy of computing.
See the full list of our latest ideas in the rsh-notes repository and suggest more there. Broad categories and examples below, and our program will evolve as our audience likes:
Research software, since these days so many people need to produce it, regardless of background: structuring software, profiling, demonstrating useful packages for research, releasing software, pair programming in our normal work.
Scientific computing support skills, tools you need to do scientific computing: git, automated testing, documentation, working with pip/conda, GitHub, Jupyter.
Evaluate watcher-submitted code: We'll take code our watchers submit, evaluate on stream and give suggestions for improvements. Suggest by making an issue in the rse-notes repository
Go through bits of regular courses, such as CodeRefinery.
Unix and Linux tools, since this is the base which most scientific computing is built on: bash, ssh, tmux/screen, shell scripting, etc.
Data management, since often the data is harder than the code: optimizing data access, data formats, repositories, sharing data.
Open science, reproducibility, and credit, since good software leads to good science and vice versa: preparing software for release and wide use, releasing software, making software citeable.
Discussion time, we answer any questions you may have. Try to stump us! We will all learn from each other.