Zenodo in google scholar?: https://github.com/openjournals/brief-ideas/issues/132#issuecomment-335700342
a good topic to discuss at another hour would be creating a static website with e.g. pelican/hugo and publish on github/gitlab pages
Table of contents for Markdown: https://github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc
a good link on how to write good commit messages: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/
Maybe show how to alert some specific user to a pull request/issue (from Twitch chat)
"Some bigger teams have templates for pull requests so that you have to explain what you did, what should be reviewed like Richard just said"
what are your thoughts on black/yapf talking about autoformat? I have not seen a solution that does not mess up math code
#pylint: disable=unused-argument
autoformat is the prime suspect for pre-commit
ReproHack: https://reprohack.github.io/reprohack-hq/
How does using a requirements.txt relate to using setuptools and defining dependencies via install_requires in the setup?
have you guys used poetry? (supposedly the next version of packaging and dependency management) https://python-poetry.org/
question: do you document your hints (the textual/visual formatting hints)? to others?
I've set up a Vim keybinding to toggle my linter to care about pep8 formatting or not: https://gist.github.com/wmvanvliet/4aa309c2c3e7228060122e7beda14ece with my own scripts, I don't care about pep8. For public packages, I do.
why not just install all the main libraries as system libs and then use pip install --user ? Also PYTHONPATH!
Could you explain in a next session about git hooks?
Could you discuss git bare repos?
data you see in a regular repository - no "working directory" checked out filesDependencies for C++ would be very interesting.
Can you post the link to reprohacks (sp?)
Git shallow clone could also be interesting to discuss